About Sri Siddheswarananda Bharathi Swami
HH Paramanhamsa Parivrjakacharya jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Siddheswarananda Bharati Maha Swamy, peethadipathi of Sri Siddheswari Peetham, Mouna Swamy Mutt, Courtallam TN.
He has done penance in Himalayas, Kaasi, Brindavan and Courtallam. He has grace and darshan of Sri Lalitha devi, Kaali devi, Kaala Bhairava, Radha devi and so many other deities. He has written more than 30+ books on mantra sastra, various deities, literature, mysticism and culture. He has established various temples in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, developed them as meditation and yagna kendras. HH regularly tours all over India, US, Sri Lanka and various other countries, delivers speeches and lectures on Hindu dharma, mantra shastra, philosophy. After observing various forces working against Hindu dharma, Poojya Swamiji has been conducting thousands of dharma rakshana yagnas to protect sanatana Hindu dharma.
In present times, HH is the only Sankara Sampradaaya Peethadhipathi who is visiting US.
Millions of people who were suffering from wide spectrum of problems had their problems resolved and removed, incurable diseases cured. Poojya Swamiji has given the mankind the concept of solving one’s problems by doing mantra sadhana and performing homas.
Sri Siddheswari Peetham is the only Sankara Peetham with Shiridi Sai temple. Mounaswamy and Shirdi sai baba were friends and exchanged their yoga saadhanas like Khanda yoga.
HH has been propagating Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shaktheya vidyas, and has been initiating mantra deeksha and conducting prayojana homas for millions of people.
HH has been visiting US since early 1990s (from his poorvarshrama days).
HH founded Sri Siddheswari Seva in United States in 2010 to protect Santana Hindu veda dharma by conducting Hindu dharma rakshana yagnas. HH has been initiating millions with mantra deeksha and helping them resolve their problems by conducting prayojana homas. HH through this organization promotes ancient way of attaining anything and everything by yagnas.
The road to Spirituality
Self-transformation is possible with Guru’s Grace, one’s discipline, perseverance, and persistence. Through intense and rigorous sadhana, Sri Kulapathi attained spirituality. He practiced yoga, pranayama, and did Lambica Sadhana by cutting the lower part of his tongue. During his penance, he survived on cow milk and meager food. He was initiated by the Dattatreya mantra Upaasaka Sri Pasumamula Subbaraya Sastry and obtained Naaga mantra siddhi. He then started chanting the Chinna Masta (Vajravairochani) mantra. After completing one crore chanting, He was blessed with Prachandachandi’s darshan. Lord Shiva appeared before him and graced Sri Kulapathi with Pranava Panchaakshari.
During this period, he met the great yogi, Sri Radhika Prasad Maharaj (Sri Raallabandi Veerabhadra Rao) who influenced him greatly. With his guidance, Sri Kulapathi started Radha Mantra Sadhana. Radha Devi, the goddess of Brindavan blessed Dr. Kulapathi with her Darshan and initiated him with her Astakshari Mantra. He received a boon from the divine and was bestowed with a protective shield by Chinna Masta (Vajra Virochani) in the form of Bhadra. During his meditation, the goddess Matangi-Syamala Devi and Lord Krishna showered their blessings with their divine music. Many deities like Hanuman, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Renuka gave their darshan and showered their grace on him.
Pre-Birth blessings
It is believed 600 years ago, during His penance in the Himalayas, Mother Kali appeared before Dr.Kulapathi in His previous birth and turned into an idol before blessing Him. The idol is believed to have come through the cosmic realm. A separate peetham was dedicated to goddess Kaali which was called the Swayam Siddha Kali Peetham – which means ‘the temple of the self-manifested Kali. Graced by goddess Kaalidevi, Sri Kulapathi was initiated with Kaala Bhairava Mantra. He traveled to Kaasi and started chanting this powerful Bhairava mantra. There the Lord Kaala Bhairava along with Kaali Devi appeared and graced Poojya Sri Swamiji after which he became a very powerful mystic.
The anointment of Sanyasa Deeksha
One day when Sri Kulapathi was meditating in front of the Kaali idol, an immortal saint, Swamy Sraddhaananda brought a message from the Siddhashrama yogis that Dr. Kulapathi should enter the order of sannyasa. On September 8th, 2002, Dr. Kulapathi was given sannyasa Deeksha by H.H. Sri Siva Chidananda Bharathi Swamiji, the Pontiff of Sri Siddheswari Peetam, Courtallam and gave him a new name as Sri Siddheswarananda Bharathi Swami, and declared him as his successor. H.H. Sri Siddheswarananda.